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- 2013-2015
- The complexity of cell composition of the intima of large arteries: Focus on pericyte-like cells.
- [Direct antiatherosclerotic therapy: possible approaches, results of clinical trials].
- Role of Bone-Type Tissue-Nonspecific Alkaline Phosphatase and PHOSPO1 in Vascular Calcification.
- Blood Serum Atherogenicity and Coronary Artery Calcification.
- Mechanisms of Medial Arterial Calcification in Diabetes.
- Effect of sex hormones on levels of mRNAs coding for proteins involved in lipid metabolism in macrophages.
- Coordination in gene expression during atherogenesis.
- Changes in levels of gene expression in human aortal intima during atherogenesis.
- Interaction of native and modified low density lipoprotein with intimal cells in atherosclerotic lesion
- Blood Atherogenicity as a Target for Anti-atherosclerotic Therapy.
- Direct anti-atherosclerotic therapy; development of natural anti-atherosclerotic drugs preventing cellular cholesterol retention.
- Vascular extracellular matrix in atherosclerosis.
- Regulatory T cells in atherosclerosis and strategies to induce the endogenous atheroprotective immune response.
- Anti-atherosclerotic therapy based on botanicals.
- Diagnostic and prognostic value of low density lipoprotein-containing circulating immune complexes in atherosclerosis.
- Low density lipoprotein-containing circulating immune complexes have better prognostic value in carotid intima-media thickness progression than other lipid parameters.
- Increased shedding of microvesicles from intimal smooth muscle cells in athero-prone areas of the human aorta: implications for understanding of the predisease stage.
- 2009-2012
- Macrophages and lipoprotein metabolism in atherosclerotic lesion
- Widespread distribution of HLA-DR-expressing cells in macroscopically undiseased intima of the human aorta: a possible role in surveillance and maintenance of vascular homeostasis.
- Anti-Atherosclerotic Therapy Based on Botanicals.
- Strategies to deliver microRNAs as potential therapeutics in the treatment of cardiovascular pathology.
- Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Low Density Lipoprotein-Containing Circulating Immune Complexes in Atherosclerosis.
- Low density lipoprotein-containing circulating immune complexes have better prognostic value in carotid intima-media thickness progression than other lipid parameters.
- Increased shedding of microvesicles from intimal smooth muscle cells in athero-prone areas of the human aorta: implications for understanding of the predisease stage.
- Pluronic block copolymers inhibit low density lipoprotein self-association.
- Cultured cell systems for revelation of new drugs antiatherosclerotic effects and their mechanisms investigation
- Monocytes as a diagnostic marker of cardiovascular diseases.
- Вариабельность показателя толщины комплекса интима медиа общих сонных артерий в московской городской популяции среди лиц без клинических проявлений атеросклероза.
- Новый биомаркер в ранней диагностике цереброваскулярной патологии: диффузное интимо-медиальное утолщение сонных артерий.
- Роль сиаловой кислоты в проявлении атерогенных свойств липопротеидами низкой плотности.
- Иммунный холестерин в крови - прогностическая ценность.
- Клеточные модели для поиска веществ, способствующих обратному транспорту холестерина.
- Contents of mRNAs encoding endosome/lysosome components in normal human aorta and in stage II of atherogenesis: a hidden regulation.
- Тест-система для изучения влияния фармакологических агентов на активацию моноцитов крови человека.
- Анализ мутации митохондриального генома A1555G при атеросклерозе интимы аорты человека.
- Детекция замены тимина на цитозин в позиции 3336 митохондриального генома при атеросклеротических поражениях человека.
- Белок переноса фосфолипидов увеличивает отток клеточного холестерина и фосфолипидов, вызванный аполипопротеинами высокой плотности.
- Сезонные изменения транссиалидазной активности сыворотки крови человека.
- Correlation between lipid deposition, immune-inflammatory cell content and MHC class II expression in diffuse intimal thickening of the human aorta.
- Опыт применения пребиотика пролонгированного действия алликор.
- Полиморфизм 3256С/Т митохондриальной ДНК как маркер ишемической болезни сердца и атеросклероза.
- Детекция митохондриальной делеции гуанина в позиции 652 при атеросклеротических поражениях человека.
- Клеточные модели для поиска средств, способствующих обратному транспорту холестерина.
- Изучение показателя толщины интимо-медиального слоя сонных артерий (ТИМ) как показателя естественного течения атеросклероза в московской популяции.
- Массовая апробация эффективности пребиотического препарата «Алликор» в отношении показателей заболеваемости острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями у детей.
- Результаты апробации пребиотика «Алликор» в условиях оздоровительной программы по профилактике респираторных и сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.
- Исследование влияния белков, потенциально вовлеченных в отток холестерина, на экспорт холестерина из макрофагов.
- Липопротеиды низкой плотности подавляют воспалительную реакцию моноцитов.
- Индуцирующая роль вирусов острых респираторных вирусных инфекций в прогрессии атеросклеротического процесса.
- Ультразвуковые признаки каротидного атеросклероза в диагностике ранних нарушений мозгового кровообращения.
- Повреждение механизмов обратного транспорта холестерина, вызванное вирусом иммунодефицита человека: роль АВСА1-зависимого пути.
- Возможная роль экологических факторов в формировании предрасположенности к развитию атеросклероза в московской популяции.
- Time-released garlic powder tablets lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in men with mild and moderate arterial hypertension.
- Роль диффузного интимо-медиального утолщения сонных артерий в ранней диагностике цереброваскулярной патологии.
- Peculiarities of cell composition and cell proliferation in different type atherosclerotic lesions in carotid and coronary arteries.
- Прямая количественная оценка мутантного аллеля митохондриального генома.
- Изучение программирующего эффекта половых гормонов на клеточной модели накопления холестерина.
- Долговременная динамика изменений способности сыворотки крови человека вызывать накопление холестерина в клеточной тест-системе.
- Выделение моноцитов из крови человека для изучения влияния факторов внешней среды на иммунитет.
- Толщина интимо-медиального слоя сонных артерий как фенотипический маркер ишемической болезни сердца.
- Оценка противовоспалительной активности препарата «Инфламинат» на животной модели воспаления.
- Механизмы половых различий при атеросклерозе.
- Сиаломика и атеросклероз.
- Липопротеиды высокой плотности: терапевтические подходы (ЛВП-терапия).
- Клеточные механизмы атеросклероза: врожденный иммунитет и воспаление.
- Влияние паратиреоидного гормона на протеом остеобластов.
- Мутации митохондриального генома в патологии человека.
- Ассоциация мутации митохондриального генома 652insG с атеросклеротическими поражениями человека.
- Musashi-1 expression in atherosclerotic arteries and its relevance to the origin of arterial smooth muscle cells: Histopathological findings and speculations.
- 2006-2008
- Сравнительное содержание мРНК рецепторов и ферментов обмена половых стероидов в ткани артериальных сосудов мужчин.
- Complex reduction of cardiovascular prognostic risk with time-released garlic powder tablets allicor.
- Metabolic effects of time-released garlic powder tablets in type 2 diabetes mellitus: the results of double-blinded placebo-controlled study.
- Sezary syndrome is a unique cutaneous T-cell lymphoma as identified by an expanded gene signature including diagnostic marker molecules CDO1 and DNM3.
- Incidence of DNA repair deficiency disorders in western Europe: Xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome and trichothiodystrophy.
- Deglycosylation of apo B-containing lipoproteins increase their ability to aggregate and to promote intracellular cholesterol accumulation in vitro.
- Lipid-lowering effects of time-released garlic powder tablets in double-blinded placebo-controlled randomized study.
- Связь размера дегликозилированных различными ферментами апо-В-содержащих липопротеидов с их атерогенным потенциалом.
- Антиатерогенный эффект флавоноидов винограда в модели ex vivo.
- Time-released garlic powder tablets protect from acute respiratory diseases and reduce overall mortality.
- Заряд поверхностного слоя циркулирующих множественно модифицированных липопротеинов низкой плотности.
- Влияние экстрактов растительного происхождения на активность транс-сиалидазы плазмы крови человека.
- Подавление внутриклеточного накопления холестерина и экспрессии провоспалительных цитокинов в условиях клеточной модели.
- Агрегация ЛПНП, индуцированная окислением, приводит к увеличению их захвата гладкомышечными клетками аорты человека.
- Применение натуральных продуктов в антицитокиновой терапии.
- Применение алликора для снижения риска инфаркта миокарда.
- 2002-2005
- Оценка эффективности алликора для снижения риска развития ишемической болезни сердца при первичной профилактике.
- Протеолиз апопротеида В-100 нарушает его топографию на поверхности ЛПНП, снижая их устойчивость к ассоциации.
- Гидролиз фосфолипидов фосфолипазами А2 и С нарушает конформацию аполипопротеина В-100 на поверхности липопротеидов низкой плотности, снижая их устойчивость к ассоциации.
- Десиалирование снижает устойчивость апо-В-содержащих липопротеидов к ассоциации, повышая их атерогенный потенциал.
- Снижение риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний при первичной профилактике ишемической болезни сердца.
- Garlic powder tablets in direct prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
- Сравнение устойчивости к ассоциации нативных и циркулирующих модифицированных ЛПНП крови человека.
- Циркулирующие модифицированные ЛПНП крови человека склонны к ассоциации в условиях пониженной ионной силы.
- Миелопероксидаза, модифицируя поверхность и снижая устойчивость к ассоциации липопротеинов низкой плотности крови человека, повышает их атерогенный потенциал.
- Способ лечения мастопатии.
- Гипотензивный эффект чесночных таблеток пролонгированного действия Алликор (двойное слепое плацебо-контролируемое исследование).
- New insight into non-statin prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
- Human plasma trans-sialidase donor and acceptor specificity.
- Влияние чесночных таблеток пролонгированного действия Алликор на заболеваемость ОРВИ у детей.
- Атерогенные холестеринсодержащие циркулирующие иммунные комплексы в сыворотке крови больных системной красной волчанкой.
- Способ лечения хронического атрофического гастрита.
- Коррекция гиперлипидемии препаратом Алликор.
- Изучение антиоксидантного препарата «Каринат» как средства для лечения больных с хроническим атрофическим гастритом.
- Выявление антигенных различий апо-В нативных и циркулирующих модифицированных ЛПНП.
- Изучение антиоксидантной биологически активной добавки к пище "Каринат" у больных с фиброаденоматозом молочных желез.
- 1997-2001
- Human plasma trans-sialidase causes atherogenic modification of low density lipoprotein.
- Continuous subendothelial network formed by pericyte-like cells in human vascular bed.
- Low-density lipoprotein modification occurring in human plasma possible mechanism of in vivo lipoprotein desialylation as a primary step of atherogenic modification.
- In vivo oxidized low density lipoprotein: degree of lipoprotein oxidation does not correlate with its atherogenic properties.
- Cell proliferation in normal and atherosclerotic human aorta: proliferative splash in lipid-rich lesions.
- Antioxidant content in low density lipoprotein and lipoprotein oxidation in vivo and in vitro.
- Optimization of the assay for sialic acid determination in low density lipoprotein.
- Многофакторная профилактика атеросклероза и атеросклеротических заболеваний.
- Применение алликора для коррекции метаболизма при сахарном диабете: биохимические предпосылки и клинические исследования.
- Прямое антиатеросклеротическое действие Алликора. Двойное слепое плацебо-контролируемое многоцентровое исследование.
- The content of lipoperoxidation products in normal and atherosclerotic human aorta.
- [Localization of collagen-synthesizing cells in normal and atherosclerotic intima of human aorta] [in Russian]
- Lack of correlation between degree of human plasma low density lipoprotein oxidation and its atherogenic potential.
- Metabolism of native and naturally occurring multiple modified low density lipoprotein in smooth muscle cells of human aortic intima.
- Collagen-synthesizing cells in initial and advanced atherosclerotic lesions of human aorta
- [Effect of the garlic tablets allicor on thrombocyte aggregation in vitro and ex vivo] [in Russian]
- Effects of garlic on atherosclerosis.
- In vitro effect of garlic powder extract on lipid content in normal and atherosclerotic human aortic cells.
- Antiatherosclerotic and antiatherogenic effects of a calcium antagonist plus statin combination: amlodipine and lovastatin.
- The effects of antihypertensive agents on atherosclerosis-related parameters of human aorta intimal cells.
- [New prospects for the treatment of atherosclerosis: garlic preparations] [in Russian]
- 1993-1996
- Similarity between naturally occurring modified desialylated, electronegative and aortic low density lipoprotein.
- [Multiple modifications of low density lipoproteins in blood of patients with atherosclerosis] [in Russian]
- Apolipoprotein B-bound lipids as a marker for evaluation of low density lipoprotein oxidation in vivo.
- Gap junctional communication in primary culture of cells derived from human aortic intima.
- Diagnostic value of immune cholesterol as a marker for atherosclerosis.
- [Intercellular communication studied by using the gap junctions in a primary cell culture of human aortic intima] [in Russian]
- [Multiply-modified disialyated low-density lipoproteins: physico-chemical properties] [in Russian]
- Characteristics of low density lipoprotein isolated from circulating immune complexes.
- [Direct antiatherogenic effect of garlic] [in Russian]
- Atherogenic modified LDL in diabetes.
- [Lipid composition of polymodified (desialylated) low density lipoproteins] [in Russian]
- [Immunocytochemical study to localize a scavenger receptor in human aorta smooth muscle cells] [in Russian]
- [Protein-bound lipids in human low density lipoproteins] [in Russian]
- Naturally occurring modified low density lipoproteins are similar if not identical: more electronegative and desialylated lipoprotein subfractions.
- [Decrease in atherogenicity of blood serum in vitro under the effect of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine micelles] [in Russian]
- Direct anti-atherosclerosis-related effects of garlic.
- Heterogeneity of smooth muscle cells in embryonic human aorta.
- [Atherogenic properties of oral sugar-reducing sulfonylurea derivatives] [in Russian]
- Characterization of chemical composition of native and modified low density lipoprotein occurring in the blood of diabetic patients.
- Sulfonylureas induce cholesterol accumulation in cultured human intimal cells and macrophages.
- [The antiatherosclerotic effect of verapamil in a cell culture of human aortic intima] [in Russian]
- [Atherogenic properties of blood serum in children with type I diabetes mellitus] [in Russian]
- Modified low density lipoprotein from diabetic patients causes cholesterol accumulation in human intimal aortic cells.
- Characteristics of low-density lipoprotein subfractions from patients with coronary artery disease.
- [Effect of squid liver fat and krill meat on blood serum atherogenicity in patients with type I diabetes mellitus] [in Russian]
- [Atherogenic potential of blood serum in patients with type I diabetes mellitus] [in Russian]
- Autoantibodies against low-density lipoprotein and atherogenic potential of blood.
- [Atherogenic effect of sugar-reducing drugs of the sulfonylurea group and its elimination using papaverine chloride] [in Russian]
- Effect of lipoprotein (a) on lipid metabolism of cultured human intimal aortic cells.
- 1991-1992
- Multiple-modified desialylated low density lipoproteins that cause intracellular lipid accumulation. Isolation, fractionation and characterization.
- [The structure of the endothelialized and nonendothelialized areas of myointimal thickening of the rabbit aorta] [in Russian]
- The atherogenic effect of lupus sera: systemic lupus erythematosus-derived immune complexes stimulate the accumulation of cholesterol in cultured smooth muscle cells from human aorta.
- [Effects of lovastatin therapy on the level of low density lipoproteins and atherogenic potential of serum in patients with ischemic heart disease and hypercholesterolemia] [in Russian]
- [Atherogenic properties of phenothiazine drugs manifesting in cultured cells of the human aortic intima] [in Russian]
- Beta-blockers: propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol, pindolol, alprenolol and timolol, manifest atherogenicity on in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models. Elimination of propranolol atherogenic effects by papaverine.
- Lipid-laden white blood cells in the circulation of patients with coronary heart disease.
- [Carbohydrate composition of native and desialylated low density lipoproteins in the plasma of patients with coronary atherosclerosis] [in Russian]
- [The effect of calcium antagonists on cholesterol metabolism in human aortal intima cells and macrophage lines] [in Russian]
- [Seasonal variations of the lipid spectrum in patients with post-infarction cardiosclerosis and arterial hypertension] [in Russian]
- Use of cultured atherosclerotic cells for investigation of antiatherosclerotic effects of anipamil and other calcium antagonists.
- Influence of a cholesterol rich diet in rabbits on the formation of PGI2 and TXA2.
- [Comparison between seasonal changes in lipid indicators in patients with post-infarction cardiosclerosis and arterial hypertension in Ashkhabad and Moscow] [in Russian]
- Stellate cells of aortic intima: I. Human and rabbit.
- Stellate cells of aortic intima: II. Arborization of intimal cells in culture.
- Use of cell culture for optimisation of direct antiatherogenic therapy with verapamil.
- Characterization of desialylated low-density lipoproteins which cause intracellular lipid accumulation.
- [Elimination of the atherogenic effect of beta blocker propranolol by papaverine] [in Russian]
- Three types of naturally occurring modified lipoproteins induce intracellular lipid accumulation in human aortic intimal cells--the role of lipoprotein aggregation.
- [Relations between the levels of lipoprotein-containing immune complexes and lipids in the blood of patients with ischemic heart disease] [in Russian]
- [Circulating immune complex cholesterol as a biochemical marker of coronary atherosclerosis] [in Russian]
- [The cellular polymorphism of the myointimal thickening in the rabbit aorta] [in Russian]
- Desialylated low density lipoprotein--naturally occurring modified lipoprotein with atherogenic potency.
- [Atherogenic effect of beta-blocker propranolol revealed in the rabbit denudated aorta] [in Russian]
- Synergetic effect of desialylated and glycated low density lipoproteins on cholesterol accumulation in cultured smooth muscle intimal cells.
- [Combined effects of desialylated and glycosylated low density lipoproteins on lipid content of human aortic intima cells in vitro] [in Russian]
- [Atherogenic properties of sera and low-density lipoproteins in patients with diabetes mellitus] [in Russian]
- Atherogenicity of autoantibodies against low density lipoprotein.
- [Structure of the neointima after balloon catheter injury of the rabbit aorta in the context of hypercholesterolemia: analysis of endothelial influence on lipid accumulation] [in Russian]
- Cholesterol level in circulating immune complexes as a marker of coronary atherosclerosis.
- Antibody-like immunoglobulins G against low density lipoprotein that stimulate lipid accumulation in cultured cells.
- [Changes in the 3-dimensional organization of the cellular system of the human aortic intima in atherosclerosis] [in Russian]
- [The cholesterol content in immune complexes as a marker of coronary and peripheral atherosclerosis] [in Russian]
- Lipoprotein immune complexes as markers of atherosclerosis.
- Quantitative estimation of lipid-laden cells in atherosclerotic lesions of the human aorta.
- Use of human atherosclerotic cells for optimization of antiatherosclerotic therapy.
- Lipids in cells of atherosclerotic and uninvolved human aorta. III. Lipid distribution in intimal sublayers.
- 1989-1990
- [Blood lipophages in patients with ischemic heart disease] [in Russian]
- In vitro models of anti-atherosclerotic effects of cardiovascular drugs.
- [Isolation of desialylated low density lipoproteins from the blood of patients with ischemic heart disease by affinity chromatography] [in Russian]
- Local prevention of thrombosis in animal arteries by means of magnetic targeting of aspirin-loaded red cells.
- Isolation of atherogenic modified (desialylated) low density lipoprotein from blood of atherosclerotic patients: separation from native lipoprotein by affinity chromatography.
- Correlation between cholesterol content in circulating immune complexes and atherogenic properties of CHD patients' serum manifested in cell culture.
- Antiatherosclerotic effects of calcium antagonists. Study in human aortic cell culture.
- [Effects of beta adrenergic blocking agents and calcium antagonists on atherogenic properties of blood serum of patients with ischemic heart disease] [in Russian]
- Low density lipoprotein-containing circulating immune complexes and coronary atherosclerosis.
- [Aggregates of modified low density lipoproteins indicate accumulation of lipids in human aortic intima cells in vitro] [in Russian]
- [Incidence among men of atherogenic potential of the serum detected in a culture of mouse peritoneal macrophages] [in Russian]
- [Desialylated low density lipoproteins--atherogenic lipoproteins occurring in blood of patients with coronary atherosclerosis] [in Russian]
- [Lysosomal proteinases of the human aortal intima and atherogenesis] [in Russian]
- Modification of low density lipoprotein by desialylation causes lipid accumulation in cultured cells: discovery of desialylated lipoprotein with altered cellular metabolism in the blood of atherosclerotic patients.
- Lipoprotein aggregation as an essential condition of intracellular lipid accumulation caused by modified low density lipoproteins.
- [Cholesterol-containing circulating immune complexes--a component of the blood serum in patients with ischemic heart disease that determines its atherogenic properties] [in Russian]
- Insolubilization of low density lipoprotein induces cholesterol accumulation in cultured subendothelial cells of human aorta.
- [The effect of glucagon and concanavalin A on cholesterol accumulation in mouse peritoneal macrophages and human aorta intima cells] [in Russian]
- Peritoneal macrophages: a model for detecting atherogenic potential in patients' blood serum.
- [The use of freeze fracturing in combination with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy for studying the structure of the normal and atherosclerotically altered human aortic intima] [in Russian]
- [Peritoneal macrophages as a model for the study of the atherogenic potential of the blood serum] [in Russian]
- [Low density lipoproteins isolated from the blood of patients with ischemic heart disease induce accumulation of lipids in human aortic intima cells] [in Russian]
- [Anti-atherosclerotic properties of higher mushrooms (a clinico-experimental investigation)] [in Russian]
- Use of lipophilic fluorescent probes for the isolation of hybrid cells in flow cytometry.
- [The effect of eicosapentaenoic acid and various prostaglandins on cholesterol accumulation and proliferation of intima cells from human aorta] [in Russian]
- [Effect of medicinal leech preparations on indicators of atherogenesis] [in Russian]
- [The content of cyclic nucleotides in an organ culture of normal and atherosclerosis-affected human aorta] [in Russian]
- [Anti-atherosclerotic properties of eicosapentaenoic acid: clinico-experimental study] [in Russian]
- Low-density lipoproteins isolated from the blood of patients with coronary heart disease induce the accumulation of lipids in human aortic cells.
- [Atherogenic properties of beta adrenergic blockaders evident on vascular wall cells] [in Russian]
- Ganglioside content and composition of cells from normal and atherosclerotic human aorta.
- 1986-1988
- Atherogenic effects of beta blockers on cells cultured from normal and atherosclerotic aorta.
- Stable analogues of prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 display contradictory influences on atherosclerotic properties of cells cultured from human aorta. The effect of calcium antagonists.
- Prevention of experimental carotid artery thrombosis by magnetic vectoring of aspirin [letter]
- [Effect of components of the extracellular matrix on the accumulation of lipids in human cells] [in Russian]
- [Decreased lipid levels in arteriosclerotic plaques of the human aorta after LDL-apheresis (an in vitro study)] [in Russian]
- Spontaneous atherosclerotic plaque and obstruction of distal anastomosis in femoral artery. Comparative morphologic study.
- Cyclic nucleotides and atherosclerosis: studies in primary culture of human aortic cells.
- [Effect of lipostabil on cholesterol levels in atherosclerotic plaques of the human aorta and the aggregative capacity of thrombocytes (in vitro study)] [in Russian]
- Intracellular cholesterol accumulation is accompanied by enhanced proliferative activity of human aortic intimal cells.
- Cardiovascular drugs and atherosclerosis: effects of calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, and nitrates on atherosclerotic characteristics of human aortic cells.
- The effects of eicozanoids and lipoxygenase inhibitors on the lipid metabolism of aortic cells.
- Prostacyclin, thromboxane A2 and calcium antagonists: effects on atherosclerotic characteristics of vascular cells.
- [Comparison of 2 methods of flow cytofluorometric analysis of epithelial cells in the diagnosis of uterine cervix cancer] [in Russian]
- On the role of cyclic nucleotides in the pathogenesis of human atherosclerosis.
- Is prostacyclin a major prostaglandin produced by endothelial cells in culture?
- Disorders in the system of cyclic nucleotides in atherosclerosis: cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP content and activity of related enzymes in human aorta.
- Evidence of antiatherosclerotic action of verapamil from direct effects on arterial cells.
- Association of low-density lipoprotein with particulate connective tissue matrix components enhances cholesterol accumulation in cultured subendothelial cells of human aorta.
- Trapidil derivatives as potential antiatherosclerotic drugs.
- [Local prevention of thrombosis in the dog carotid artery using magnetically concentrated erythrocytes loaded with aspirin] [in Russian]
- Diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis [letter]
- Adult human aortic cells in primary culture: heterogeneity in shape.
- Agents that increase cellular cyclic AMP inhibit proliferative activity and decrease lipid content in cells cultured from atherosclerotic human aorta.
- Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP content in a short-term organ culture of normal and atherosclerotic human aorta.
- Monoclonal antibody reveals heterogeneity in human aortic intima: detection of a ganglioside antigen associated with a subpopulation of intimal cells [published erratum appears in Am J Pathol 1986 May;123(2):379]
- Primary culture of human aortic intima cells as a model for testing antiatherosclerotic drugs. Effects of cyclic AMP, prostaglandins, calcium antagonists, antioxidants, and lipid-lowering agents.
- Atherogenicity of blood serum from patients with coronary heart disease.
- Effect of cyclic AMP on lipid accumulation and metabolism in human atherosclerotic aortic cells.
- Low-density lipoprotein apheresis and regression of atherosclerotic plaque in vitro.
- Comparative investigations of the reoccluded distal anastomosis, the spontaneous atherosclerotic plaque and the normal intima of the human femoral artery.
- 1974-1985
- [Study of the structural and functional properties of fibronectin--a high molecular weight plasma glycoproteins--by using monoclonal antibodies] [in Russian]
- Content and localization of fibronectin in normal intima, atherosclerotic plaque, and underlying media of human aorta.
- Artificial HDL as an anti-atherosclerotic drug [letter]
- [Cellular composition and biochemical characteristics of the human aorta] [in Russian]
- Lipids in cells of atherosclerotic and uninvolved human aorta. I. Lipid composition of aortic tissue and enzyme-isolated and cultured cells.
- Primary RIA screening of hybridoma supernatants without use of a negative control.
- Determination of total intracellular lipid content by flow cytofluorometry.
- LDL apheresis and regression of atherosclerosis [letter]
- Lipids in cells of atherosclerotic and uninvolved human aorta. II. Lipid metabolism in primary culture.
- [Concentration of erythrocyte-based magnetic carriers in the vascular bed] [in Russian]
- [Immunomorphological study of the localization of types I, III, IV and V collagen in a primary culture of human aortic cells] [in Russian]
- Dissociated cells from different layers of adult human aortic wall.
- Primary cultures of enzyme-isolated cells from normal and atherosclerotic human aorta.
- Regression of atherosclerotic manifestations in primary culture of human aortic cells: effects of prostaglandins.
- Enzymatic detoxication of superoxide anion-radicals and lipoperoxides in intima and media of atherosclerotic aorta.
- [Determination of the lipid content of a single cell by flow cytofluorometry] [in Russian]
- Heterogeneity of human aortic cells in regard to RNA content.
- [Decrease in the lipid content of human atherosclerotic aorta cells as affected by compounds increasing the intracellular level of cyclic AMP] [in Russian]
- [Immunomorphological study of fibronectin localization in a primary human aorta cell culture] [in Russian]
- [Detection of 2 cell subpopulations each differing in incorporating low-density lipoproteins in an atherosclerotic plaque from the human aorta] [in Russian]
- Dibutyryl cyclic AMP decreases proliferative activity and the cholesteryl ester content in cultured cells of atherosclerotic human aorta.
- Stellate cells in the intima of human aorta. Application of alkaline dissociation method in the analysis of the vessel wall cellular content.
- [Use of perilenoyl-labelled triglyceride as a fluorescent probe for staining lipid inclusions in cultured cells] [in Russian]
- Cell proliferation in normal and atherosclerotic human aorta. I. Flow cytofluorometric determination of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid content.
- [Effect of dibutyryl-cAMP on the cholesterol ester content in human atherosclerotic aorta cells] [in Russian]
- Cell proliferation in normal and atherosclerotic human aorta. II. Autoradiographic observation on deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in primary cell culture.
- [3H-thymidine incorporation into human aorta cells in primary culture. An autoradiographic study] [in Russian]
- Prostacyclin analogues as antiatherosclerotic drugs [letter]
- [Content of lipids in cells, isolated from normal and atherosclerotically-altered portions of the human aorta] [in Russian]
- [Role of endogenic substances in creating a background of increased radioresistance. 3. The role of endogenic serotonin] [in Russian]
- [Role of endogenous substances in developing a basis for increased radiation resistance. 4. Effect of serotonin on lipid radiation sensitizers] [in Russian]
- [A method of determining adenylate cyclase activity] [in Russian]
- [Role of endogenous substances in the creation of a background of increased radioresistance. Report 7. Study of the influence of dopamine and histamine on lipid radiosensitizers] [in Russian]
- [Effect of radiation-protective preparations on the level of cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cycl AMP), adenylate cyclase and cycl AMP phosphodiesterase] [in Russian]
- [Effect of ionizing radiation on the activity of adenylate cyclase, cAMP phosphodiesterase and the level of cAMP in mouse liver] [in Russian]
- [Post-radiation disorders in the cyclic AMP system of mouse spleen and thymus lymphoid cells] [in Russian]
- [Polymorphism of human aortic cells in culture] [in Russian]
- [RNA content of cells isolated from normal and arteriosclerotic human aorta] [in Russian]
- [Lipid metabolism in cells of human atherosclerotic aorta. Study in the primary culture] [in Russian]
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