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Publications from 1974 to 1985

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# Title
1 [Study of the structural and functional properties of fibronectin--a high molecular weight plasma glycoproteins--by using monoclonal antibodies] [in Russian]

Chernousov MA, Metsis ML, Glukhova MA, Antonov AS, Orekhov AN
Mol Biol (Mosk) 1984 May-Jun 18:3 643-52

2 Content and localization of fibronectin in normal intima, atherosclerotic plaque, and underlying media of human aorta.

Orekhov AN, Andreeva ER, Shekhonin BV, Tertov VV, Smirnov VN
Atherosclerosis 1984 Nov 53:2 213-9

3 Artificial HDL as an anti-atherosclerotic drug [letter]

Orekhov AN, Misharin AYu, Tertov VV, Khashimov KhA, Pokrovsky SN, Repin VS, Smirnov VN
Lancet 1984 Nov 17 2:8412 1149-50

4 [Cellular composition and biochemical characteristics of the human aorta] [in Russian]

Andreeva ER, Tertov VV, Mukhin DN, Orekhov AN
Biull Vsesoiuznogo Kardiol Nauchn Tsentra AMN SSSR 1985 8:2 63-71

5 Lipids in cells of atherosclerotic and uninvolved human aorta. I. Lipid composition of aortic tissue and enzyme-isolated and cultured cells.

Orekhov AN, Tertov VV, Novikov ID, Krushinsky AV, Andreeva ER, Lankin VZ, Smirnov VN
Exp Mol Pathol 1985 Feb 42:1 117-37

6 Primary RIA screening of hybridoma supernatants without use of a negative control.

Orekhov AN, Novikov ID, Kalantarov GF
J Immunol Methods 1985 Mar 18 77:2 343-5

7 Determination of total intracellular lipid content by flow cytofluorometry.

Tertov VV, Orekhov AN, Rudchenko SA, Mukhin DN, Smirnov VN, Molotkovsky YuG, Bergelson LD
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1985 May 16 128:3 1196-202

8 LDL apheresis and regression of atherosclerosis [letter]

Tertov VV, Khashimov KhA, Orekhov AN, Mukhin DN, Kurdanov KhA, Chichinadze OM, Pokrovsky SN
Lancet 1985 May 11 1:8437 1108-9

9 Lipids in cells of atherosclerotic and uninvolved human aorta. II. Lipid metabolism in primary culture.

Orekhov AN, Tertov VV, Smirnov VN
Exp Mol Pathol 1985 Oct 43:2 187-95

10 [Concentration of erythrocyte-based magnetic carriers in the vascular bed] [in Russian]

Danilov IuN, Rudchenko SA, Samokhin GP, Orekhov AN, Il'ina MB
Biull Eksp Biol Med 1985 Dec 100:12 701-2