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Publications from 1986 to 1988

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# Title
1 Blood serum atherogenicity associated with coronary atherosclerosis. Evidence for nonlipid factor providing atherogenicity of low-density lipoproteins and an approach to its elimination.

Orekhov AN, Tertov VV, Pokrovsky SN, Adamova IYu, Martsenyuk ON, Lyakishev AA, Smirnov VN
Circ Res 1988 Mar 62:3 421-9

2 Atherogenic effects of beta blockers on cells cultured from normal and atherosclerotic aorta.

Orekhov AN, Ruda MYa, Baldenkov GN, Tertov VV, Khashimov KA, Ryong LH, Lyakishev AA, Kozlov SG, Tkachuk VA, Smirnov VN
Am J Cardiol 1988 May 1 61:13 1116-7

3 Stable analogues of prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 display contradictory influences on atherosclerotic properties of cells cultured from human aorta. The effect of calcium antagonists.

Akopov SE, Orekhov AN, Tertov VV, Khashimov KA, Gabrielyan ES, Smirnov VN
Atherosclerosis 1988 Aug 72:2-3 245-8

4 Modulation of human aorta smooth muscle cell phenotype: a study of muscle-specific variants of vinculin, caldesmon, and actin expression.

Glukhova MA, Kabakov AE, Frid MG, Ornatsky OI, Belkin AM, Mukhin DN, Orekhov AN, Koteliansky VE, Smirnov VN
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1988 Dec 85:24 9542-6

5 Prevention of experimental carotid artery thrombosis by magnetic vectoring of aspirin [letter]

Orekhov AN, Belyaev AA, Orekhova NM, Smirnov MD, Samokhin GP, Ragimov SE, Akchurin RS, Smirnov VN
Lancet 1987 Sep 5 2:8558 564-5

6 [Effect of components of the extracellular matrix on the accumulation of lipids in human cells] [in Russian]

Kotelianskiy VE, Orekhov AN, Tertov VV, Khashimov KhA, Glukhova MA
Biull Eksp Biol Med 1987 Nov 104:11 562-4

7 [Decreased lipid levels in arteriosclerotic plaques of the human aorta after LDL-apheresis (an in vitro study)] [in Russian]

Khashimov KhA, Orekhov AN, Tertov VV, Kurdanov KhA, Pokrovskiy SN
Kardiologiia 1987 Nov 27:11 102-5

8 Spontaneous atherosclerotic plaque and obstruction of distal anastomosis in femoral artery. Comparative morphologic study.

Orekhova NM, Andreeva ER, Shekhonin BV, Govorunov GV, Buyanovsky VL, Pokrovsky AV, Orekhov AN, Smirnov VN
Arch Pathol Lab Med 1987 Dec 111:12 1163-8

9 Cyclic nucleotides and atherosclerosis: studies in primary culture of human aortic cells.

Tertov VV, Orekhov AN, Kudryashov SA, Klibanov AL, Ivanov NN, Torchilin VP, Smirnov VN
Exp Mol Pathol 1987 Dec 47:3 377-89

10 [Effect of lipostabil on cholesterol levels in atherosclerotic plaques of the human aorta and the aggregative capacity of thrombocytes (in vitro study)] [in Russian]

Khashimov KhA, Okur F, Orekhov AN, Kurdanov KhA, Tertov V
Biull Vsesoiuznogo Kardiol Nauchn Tsentra AMN SSSR 1988 11:1 95-8