РусскийEnglish (UK)

Nikiforov NG, Elizova NV, Bukrinsky M, Dubrovsky L, Makeev VJ, Wakabayashi Y, Liu P, Foxx KK, Kruth HS, Jin X, Zakiev ER, Orekhov AN.

Curr Pharm Des. 2017 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print]


In this mini-review, the role of macrophage phenotypes in atherogenesis is considered. Recent studies on distribution of M1 and M2 macrophages in different types of atherosclerotic lesions indicate that macrophages exhibit a high degree of plasticity of phenotype in response to various conditions in microenvironment. The effect of the accumulation of cholesterol, a key event in atherogenesis, on the macrophage phenotype is also discussed. The article presents the results of transcriptome analysis of cholesterol-loaded macrophages revealing genes involved in immune response whose expression rate has changed the most. It turned out that the interaction of macrophages with modified LDL leads to higher expression levels of pro-inflammatory marker TNF-α and anti-inflammatory marker CCL18. Phenotypic profile of macrophage activation could be a good target for testing of novel anti-atherogenic immunocorrectors. A number of anti-atherogenic drugs were tested as potential immunocorrectors using primary macrophage-based model.