РусскийEnglish (UK)
Vasil'ev AV, Ren LK, Orekhov AN, Tertov VV, Tutel'ian VA
Vopr Med Khim 1989 Sep-Oct 35:5 90-3


Glucagon and concanavalin A were administered into cell cultures of mice peritoneal macrophages and human intima aorta simultaneously with atherogenous blood serum, obtained from patients with ischemic heart disease, or with acetylated and native low density lipo-proteins. Their effect was dissimilar: glucagon decreased accumulation of intracellular cholesterol and the rate of 3H-thymidine incorporation into these cells, while concanavalin A increased the patterns studied. Cellular lysosomes appear to participate in atherogenesis, these results suggest that regulation of lysosomal apparatus may occur at the step of secondary lysosomes formation.